Friday, January 25, 2008

Secret Agent Mission 6 Guide

  1. Talk to G. When G turns on the machine, the crab will destroy it.
  2. Follow the Crab into the PSA Head Quarters.
  3. Follow the Crab into the Sports Shop and to the Ski Village.
  4. Follow the Crab up the Mountain and then jump off the edge of the Mountain.
  5. Follow the Crab through the forest for about 3 places until you get to where the Cave was in Mission #2.
  6. When you get to the locked door of the Cave, go to the tree stump on the far right.
  7. Then go the the Long Log and Bushes on your far right.
  8. Take out your Spy phone, open your Tools, and cut the rope with your Scissors.
  9. Put the bag of O-Berries in your Inventory.
  10. Go back to the Tree Stump on your right.
  11. Feed an O-Berry to the Black Puffle. He will now start to follow you.
  12. Go to the Bushes in front of you. Then to the River to the left of you. Then to the locked door.
  13. Throw a Puffle O into the Pet Door and the Black Puffle will open the door for you. Go inside!
  14. The Bear will trap you in a cage. Oh no! You will lose your Spy Phone.
  15. Talk to the Bear. He will explain about his evil plan. I suggest clicking the top option for everything you say. (Click the bear if you can’t do anything and he stopped talking) He will then leave with the Crab.
  16. Go right in your Cage until you see the Cage Lift machine. Put an O-Berry on top of the Red Lever on the right.
  17. Put a O-Berry on the Left side of the Water slide and then another O-Berry on the silver platform.
  18. Go all the way right past the door and a little past the table. Place the Grappling hook, Blue prints, the Rope, and the Hot Sauce in your inventory (They are: leaning against a rock, on the wall above the table, entangled with the wooden boards, and on the table).
  19. Go to the door. It will be blocked by snow. Take a O-Berry out and then put Hot Sauce in it and click on the Snow. The black puffle when get superheat and then the snow will have melted.
  20. Walk out the hole. Go to the Stump on the right. Go the the Long log and Bushes on the far left. Then go to the Area on your far Left. And you will end up at the place where you fell from!
  21. Connect the Grappling Hook with the Rope. Then click on the Mountain. Then throw it over the mountain and you will be back on the Mountain.
  22. Go to the Ski Lodge and go to the back door where you play Ice Fishing. You will see the bear there. Go back outside to the Ski Village.
  23. Then go to the Dock. Go through the Snow Forts. Then go to the Plaza. Then go in the Pizza Parlor and get the Sea Weed Pizza and put it in your Inventory.
  24. Go ALL the way back to the Ski Lodge and through the back door.
  25. Feed the pizza to the bear and Pull the Red lever on the machine.
  26. Click on the bear until he finishes his pizza. Then the bear will run the machine, it will go backwards and will break the ice.
  27. G will come and talk to you. (I suggest selecting the top option for all the answers). The bear will call you and then run away. Then give G the Blue Prints when he asks for them.
  28. Yay! You finished the mission! Receive the Medal and the Letter and you’re done!

Also thanks to Misam for helping me out a bit on the written guide.

Can’t wait ’til secret agent mission Seven! ~Watex

Rockhopper has landed on Club Penguin!

RH has landed in his row boat on the Beach with free Life Jackets for everyone. RH Finding Guide here


Friday, January 18, 2008

Rockhopper has (finally) crashed!

Go to the Lighthouse Beacon and look into the telescope. The iceberg has destroyed Rockhopper’s ship! Oh no!


Maybe we’ll have to repair it? So looks like RH is coming to CP on a row boat this time.


Secret Message in the Newspaper

Update: Billybob said Rockhopper’s crashed ship does NOT have to do with the new Mission, it has to do with events happening next month. And you have to play Mission 5 before you can play #6 when it comes out.

There’s a secret message in the Ask Aunt Arctic section of the newspaper saying “ATTENTION AGENT” in secret agent code.


When you click it, you get this message.

penguincode.png penguincode2.png

And there’s a new message on the Bulletin Board in the HQ.


In other news, the Winter Fiesta is tomorrow and Rockhopper is still rowing his way to CP.


The Winter Fiesta is here!

The Festive Maracas are in the Dance Club. They are different from the old ones. Yay!


“Swing” your cursor at the Pinata twice in the Forest for it to break (Just like last year!) and the Sombrero pin to fall out.


DO NOT PUT IT ON AND WEAR IT! YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR 3 DAYS LIKE ME! The pin is transparent which means it’s marked as a member item. I put it on and walked around and got autobanned for “hacking” it on. Once (CP fixes this and) the pin is not transparent, then you can wear it.

evilpin.png transpe.png

And here is a slide show of a few pics I took minutes before CP updated: Click here

Friday, January 11, 2008

Mission Sneak Peek, Superhero Play, and Fiesta Party!

Here is the sneak peek to the upcoming mission. Click to enlarge the picture.


The Superhero Play at the Stage will be here on January 11th. There is almost no chance it won’t be about Superheros. Yay!


The Fiesta Party will return on the 18th. With the possible return of the Maracas.


And a new storage organizer for igloos will be released on the 14th.

Squidzoid Vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal

Yay! Its a superhero play about 2 penguins called Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal. You can do some pretty cool special effects with the Switchbox 3000, like make the yellow superhero puffle appear on the right.

yelowpuf.png switcheroo200.png lazerbemers.png

If you wave with the costume on, you can hold an “energy ball”.


And the heart emote is back.


The Iceberg is back in the Telescope at the Lighthouse.


There is a message on the Bulletin Board in the Secret Agent HQ.


And there is a new Penguin Poll: If CP released a game for Nintendo DS, would you play it? I said yes. And this is strangely like the idea I sent in a month ago about earning CP coins and possibly membership on a Nintendo DS game.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Clothing Catalog Secrets and Club Penguin’s 50th pin

The 50th pin ever released in CP is the snow shovel pin. It’s located in the boiler room.


There are two “new” playercard backgrounds in the Clothing Catalog. The sky background is really a repeat.


Clothing Catalog Secrets

Click on the Cactus for the Red Viking Helm (Page 2)


Open and close the Red Viking Helm four times for the Blue Viking Helm


Click on the Blue Backpack for the Coffee Apron (Page 8)


And there are 2 new wigs in the Wig Catalog. Click to enlarge picture.


There’s a new Penguin Poll: How many puffles do you own? I said 2, obviously.


I really like some of the new items in the Catalog and the items they brought back.

Stage Sneak Peek

Here’s the sneak peek of the Stage next week. I’m 99.9% sure it’s Superheros now. Click the picture to see the full size.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Rockhopper Crashing!?

That’s kinda what the puzzle in the newspaper is kinda implying. But who knows? Maybe its just a random picture.


And unfortunately, there was no free item on New Year’s Day.

50th pin and New Catalogs

Tomorrow, Club Penguin will release its 50th pin, so its probably really special! And two catalogs will be released as well (there will be 2 new wigs in the wig catalog).


Also, the new play at the Stage will be something involving lots and lots of capes. Maybe its about superheros?


And the iceberg in the telescope has dissapeared.
